Bradenton/Sarasota (FL) Links
Chapter History
A History of Service
During the early 1990’s, four women, who were members of The Links, Incorporated, and who had retired to Sarasota and Bradenton began having conversations with women who resided in Sarasota and Manatee Counties about the possibility of forming a chapter of The Links, Incorporated. Link Betty Brown, Link Marian McClellan, Link Gwen
Morton and Link Lucinda White invited their retired friends and several other ladies of the communities of Bradenton and Sarasota to their first meeting at Payne Chapel AME Church to participate in the planning process. During the meeting they shared much discussions on the feasibility of a chapter in “Paradise.” The ladies in attendance at the first
meeting felt that they needed more time to think about the financial and time commitment of this new endeavor. Three months following the initial, a second meeting convened at a restaurant in Downtown Sarasota. The interested number of women had increased. It was during that meeting that the decision was made to move forward with the organization of a Links Interest Group.
It was 1991, under the leadership of Link Lucinda White, the interest group was formed. The group coined the name, Manasota Friends. The women worked tirelessly throughout the community, fulfilling their commitment to the purpose of The Links, Incorporated. Along the five-year journey, there were numerous members of The Links, Incorporated who offered their support in the organization of a chapter. The Manasota Friends Interest
Group was sponsored by Link Marie Beard and the Tampa (FL) Chapter and Link Lynette Edwards and the St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter. Link Joyce M. Dixon, Southern Area Director and Link Barbara Dixon Simpkins, National Vice President, Chairman of Membership and Chapter Establishment were charting officers. Under the leadership of Patricia Russell-McCloud, 11th National President, the Manasota Friends Interest Group was chartered as the Bradenton/Sarasota Chapter of The Links, Incorporated and the 265th Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, on February 10, 1996. The chartering took place at the Holiday Inn on Lido Beach.
Eloise Bacon*
Mona Brinson*
Yvonne Brown**
Barbara Chester*
Karen Chester**
Lillian Granderson***
Helen Heathington*
Sharon-Elizabeth James**
Doris Jones***
Carolyn Major-Harper***
Barbara Mask***
Virginia Massie
Margaret S. Miller***
Dorothy Middleton*
Yvette Kimm Middleton
Gwendolyn Rigell*
Carolyn Robinson
Anita Rogers
Bernice Scott*
Edwina Stanley, Ed.D.
Laura Ward**
Constance White-Davis
Bradenton/Sarasota (FL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Charter Members

Standing (L-R): Lillian Granderson***, Virginia Massie, Bernice Scott*, Helen Heathington***, Doris Jones***, Barbara Mask***, Constance White-Davis, Dorothy Middleton*, Mona Brinson*, Sharon Elizabeth James**, Yvonne Brown**, Barbara Chester*, Laura A. Ward** and Carolyn Robinson; Seated (L—R): Yvette Kimm Middleton, Elouise Bacon*, Margaret Miller***, Joyce M. Dixon (14th Southern Area Director), Barbara Dixon Simpkins (12th National President), Karen Chester**, Edwina Stanley and Carolyn Y. Major-Harper***.